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Senin, 02 November 2009

Free Basic Education


Free basic education, probably a sentence we often listen to Ranging from the president, to the regent, they all speak out about it especially when it is in general election venue that issue is like a snow ball continues to roll to any regions. The question rouses is have they accomplished the free basic education?. In this case why have the people yet to enjoy fully free education ?
Free basic education is a mandate of the new amandement of constitution 1945 stated at chapter 31 article 2 says “every citizen must obtain basic education and the government has to finance them. For emphasizing on the above mandate, Law No: 20/2003 article 2 stated, “ The central and local government guarantee the accomplishment of compulsory education at least at basic education without any fees and payment.
Free education is not a promise or only issue, but it is the duty and obligation of the government to accomplish it. It is the time for the government to cover all cost and expenses of the basic educaton for every citizen.
But the fact and reality tell other thing. We see the most local government do not strive to accomplish and fulfill the mandate of Law.
If the central government has yet to accomplish free basic education through out the country, we hope the local governments are able to accomplish it without any dout and hesitation. Because accomplishing the mandate of Law and Constitution will bring the citizens into prosperity in their future.
The heads of the local government will be the heroes of their district if they free all of education expenses for their people. Like Jembaran Bali Regent Prof. I Gede Winasa as the first regent succecded in running free education including free health, free ID card, free insurance, free tax for agriculture, etc.
As we know Jembaran is not rich regency. The Papua Government and East Java Government also have accomplished free education in their province.
To accomplish free education is hard task it need strong commitment to do that because of huge money must be provided.
In 2007 the government only can afford to allocate 11,8% of the total National Budget 725,3 trillion ruphias for education while in 2008 only increase slightly 12% of 781,4 trillion ruphias. Of course it is still too far with that budget, yet the government remains to serve, the childrens ages 7-15 to obtain basic education at least until secondary school. At least 7 programmes of 14 programmes of National Education Department concerning with the basic education can be handled. They are :
1. Provision of BOS (School Operational Assistance) include Book Assistance for the students of elementary and secondary school or equal with total amount 10.827 billion ruphias.
2. Provision of the scholarship for the poor student of elementary and secondary school amount 837,3 billions.
3. Running the Learning Group Education Package (Kejar) for A level equal with elementary school, and B level equal with secondary school with amount 680,3 billion ruphias.
4. Facilities rehabilitation of secondary schools with amount 550. billion ruphias.
5. Building one roof elementary and secondary school, new elementary school, new class rooms of secondary school with amount 1.632,3 billion ruphias.
6. Building new library rooms, laboratories with its equipment amount 2.224,5 billion ruphias.
7. Running the Learning Group Education Package for C level with amount 651,1 billion ruphias.
From the above programmes the government expects it can materialize at 2009 and produce the following action :
1. The provision of BOS and BOS of Books for 35,8 million students of elementary and secondary school.
2. The scholarship for 1,8 million students of elementary and secondary school.
3. Running the alternative education or Learning Group Education Package for A lavel for 656.503 million students.
4. Finishing of 13.978 class rooms.
5. Establishing 1.000 one roofed of elementary and secondary school, new secondary school and 10.000 new class rooms.
6. Establishing 1.100 library room for elementary schools, 10.878 laboratory rooms.
If we observe the above programmes, we can hope more that the compulsory education for ages 7-15 will be achieved after 2009. Unfortunetly, the reality tells us other. The Programmes have yet to be accomplished. Finally the society doesn’t trust the programme once more.
Free or Education for All are only rethoric programme and illusive programme even being a dream for every citizen. Of course it isn’t in line with Law of National Education System chapter 19 article 1 and Law No: 20/2003 stated. The government must allocate 20 % of National Budget for education sector. But if we observe the provision of fund it is not main reason to accomplish free education.
We can see the poor countries like Cambodian, Vietnam and Nigeria can accomplish free education for their citizen.
So, we can say the most important factor to be able to accomplish free eduction is not the provision of huge money or fund but great commitment of the government. Free education means Jihad of Educatioan. Commitment and commitment is something we must have. Wiseman says “If there is a will there is a way” Let’s do our best for our citizen and start now.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
Those are what I can deliver in front of you all, pardon me for my faults. Thank you for your attention. Finally I say you :

1 komentar:

M. Muhtar Sya'roni mengatakan...

wah bingong aquhh....nama.na juja blog baru...jadine lom da yang tau...