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Senin, 02 November 2009


Rinengga sagunging pakurmatan,

Konjuk dhumateng ngarsanipun Dewan Juri ingkang satuhu kinurmatan, para bapak, para ibu ingkang tansah manggih ing suka rahayu, langkung – langkung para kadang wredha miwah kadang taruna ingkang samya nderek aken trampil sesorah basa jawi ing kagiyatan Rover Scout Competition ingkang kaping sekawan IKIP PGRI Semarang warsa kalih ewu wolu, ingkang satuhu kula tresnani.
Langkung rumiyin sumangga derekaken ngaturaken puja lan puji syukur wonten ngarsa Dalem Gusti Allah SWT ingkang sampun kepareng paring rahmat, taufik, hidayah saha inayahipun dhateng kula lan panjenengan sedaya satemah ambabar daya pangaribawa, katitik ing ri kalenggahan puniki kula lan panjenengan sedaya saget makempal manunggal wonten kagiyatan ing IKIP PGRI Semarang punika.
Sholawat sarta salam tetepa konjuk dhumateng Nabi Agung Muhammad SAW ingkang tansah dipun tengga - tengga syafa’atipun wonten ing dunya ngantos dumugining yaumil qiyamah amin ya robal alamin.
Ngaturaken agenging panuwun ingkang tanpa pepindhan, konjuk dhumateng ngarsanipun kadang pambyawara ingkang sampun kepareng paring wedal dhateng kula kangge ngaturaken sesorah babagan :


Era Globalisasi inggih punika titi wanci kemajenganing jagat,mliginipun kemajengan ing babagan teknologi.
Era puniko ugi dipun tengeri kanthi mardikaning kabudhayan manca mlebet dhateng satunggaling nagari. Indonesia ingkang mujudaken negari ingkang nggadhahi manca warni kabudhayaan mboten bade uwal saking kemajengan ing Era Globalisasi punika.
Kathahipun kabudhayaan enggal ingkang dipun asta dening para wisatawan manca bade nderek ngewai kabudhayaan ing Indonesia.
Daya penampi bebrayan agung dhateng budaya global langkung cepet katandhing kaliyan daya penampi kabudhayanipun piyambak. Kasunyatan saking pengaruhipun globalisasi punika, antawisipun saget dipun persani babagan tatacara pangegeming busana (ageman), Anggenipun sami pangandikan, teknologi informatika lan sesambetan lan sanes-sanesipun basa jawi dados basa ingkang saking semanten ing sangandhaping basa Inggris saha basa Indonesia pasrawungan. Kanthi owah gingsiring kawontenan lan suwasana miwah wekdal para wanita ing tanah jawi ingkang sampun kondhang kaloka trampil lan pinter masak,sampun samya remen dhateng dhedhaharan ingkang gampil dipun padosi dhateng restoran, kadosta : pizza, spaghetti, humberger, fried chicken dipun anggep langkung onjo tinimbang dhedhaharan ingkang dipun damel piyambak. Sarana elektronik tansah paring panglipur kanthi film-film Mandarin, Bollywood, Hollywood, Mexxico lan sanes-sanesipun.
Papan blanja ingkang sampun wonten mboten nyekapi kabetahan malih saengga blanja dhateng manca negeri sampun dados pakulinan, sinaosa mbetahaken prabeya ingkang saklangkung awis.
Handphone kanthi manca warni model dipun rubung dening para remaja. Satunggaling bab ingkang dados kawigatosan inggih punika kados pundi anggenipun njagi budaya jawi supados mboten ical wonten salebeting Era Globalisasi punika.
Titi wanci punika kathah tiyang njawi ingkang sampun kecalan kejawenipun inggih awit sakeng obah mosiki ing Globlalisasi budaya, malah sampun mboten dados tiyang jawi malih. Lajeng menopo ingkang bade dumados menawi tiyang jawi sampun kecalan kejawinipun ? piyambakipun mboten bade manggihaken jati dhirinipun piyambak, malah kados-kados budaya jawi sampun ical sakeng gesang bebrayan.
Ewa sematen arus globalisasi mboten ndadosaken satunggaling bab ingkang ndadosaken degradasi moral saha degradasi budaya ingkang dumados ing titi wanci punika.
Bab-bab ingkang ndadosaken kabudhayan jawi mboten kiprah ing bebrayan agung antawisipun:
1. kabudhayan asli dipun angep kirang saget njumbuhaken kaliyan kawontenan.
2. Prabea sesaji ingkang satuhu awis, lan kekatahen etangan, saengga perlu dipun demel prasaja.
3. Kathah paugeran lan unggah-ungguh ingkang dereng nyawiji lan mbalung sungsum dhateng para remaja.
Bebrayan agung ingkang sampun kepareng ngusung budaya jawi kedah saget kanthi trampil lan njumbuhaken globalisasi budaya punika saengga mlebetipun budaya-budaya saking manca negari, ampun ngantos nggerus budaya jawi piyambak. Pramila kula lan panjenengan sedaya kedah tetep kukuh dhateng wosing budaya luhur ingkang wonten sinambi nyaring-nyaring budhaya inkang wonten ing sakiwo tengen sae babagan angen-angen punapa malih tumindak ing saben dintenipun. Awit saestunipun wosing filosofis budhaya jawi menawi dipun kinten-kinten kanthi pratitis mujudaken wos-wos ingkang universal. Perlu kapinteran anggenipun nintingi efek globalisasi. Tumuju dhateng kemajenganing teknologi informatika lan sasembetan saget dipun ginakaken minangka sarana nguriuri saha ngrembakaken wosing budayanipun piyambak. Jatidhiri laladan kedah lajeng katanem ing jiwa bebrayan tanah jawi, serta kedah lajeng ningkatakan wosing kapitadosan. Awit saking punika perlu dipun tindakaken revitalisasi budhaya daerah saha ngiataken budaya punika piyambak.
Pambudidaya kasebat dipun wujudaken lumantar cara-cara ingkang strategis ing antawisipun :
1. Nindakaken pangertosan perkawis falsafah budaya jawi dhateng sedaya perangan saha sedaya yuswa kanthi ngginakaken basa jawi, kalebet ing tataran pamarintah pusat ngantos dumugi RT saha RW.
2. Ngleresaken pasinaon basa jawi.
3. Ningkataken para kadang dwija supados langkung sae, minangka ingkang tanggel jawab babagan budaya ngantos ing salajengipun.
4. Ngrembakaken budaya tradisional dening pamarintah.
5. Ningkataken tanggel Jawab kalawarti saha elektronik wonten salebeting adamel kondusif pangertosan falsafah budaya jawi, anggelar budayanipun piyambak.
6. Ngawontenaken workshop saha sarasehan falsafah budaya jawi kanthi ajek.
7. Maringi sarana kanthi wonten kelajenganipun tumrap gegayuhan-gegayuhan kanggo nguru-urisaha ngrembakakaken budaya.
Pembangunan jiwaning budaya kasebat kanti tlesih sampun ngrangkul lan ngebahaken sedaya perangan wonten salebeting ngadhepi era globalisasi ingkang mbikak tata cara lumampahing budaya saha liru budaya ingkang kanthi wonten kelajenganipun bade manggihaken wosing budaya setunggal kaliyan sanesipun.
Kangge punika, kula lan panjenengan sedaya minangka para siswa kedah nderek mbudidaya kanthi saestu nguri-uri kabudhayan jawi, kanthi mapanaken budaya jawi wonten salebeting bebrayan agung.
Kanthi mekaten kula lan panjenengan bade tansah saget NGUKUHI BUDHAYA JAWI ING SATENGAHING ERA GLOBALISASI !
Mekaten ingkang saget kula aturaken, ing wasana sawergungasirah jalma mangsa bororng wonten ngersa paduka.

Free Basic Education


Free basic education, probably a sentence we often listen to Ranging from the president, to the regent, they all speak out about it especially when it is in general election venue that issue is like a snow ball continues to roll to any regions. The question rouses is have they accomplished the free basic education?. In this case why have the people yet to enjoy fully free education ?
Free basic education is a mandate of the new amandement of constitution 1945 stated at chapter 31 article 2 says “every citizen must obtain basic education and the government has to finance them. For emphasizing on the above mandate, Law No: 20/2003 article 2 stated, “ The central and local government guarantee the accomplishment of compulsory education at least at basic education without any fees and payment.
Free education is not a promise or only issue, but it is the duty and obligation of the government to accomplish it. It is the time for the government to cover all cost and expenses of the basic educaton for every citizen.
But the fact and reality tell other thing. We see the most local government do not strive to accomplish and fulfill the mandate of Law.
If the central government has yet to accomplish free basic education through out the country, we hope the local governments are able to accomplish it without any dout and hesitation. Because accomplishing the mandate of Law and Constitution will bring the citizens into prosperity in their future.
The heads of the local government will be the heroes of their district if they free all of education expenses for their people. Like Jembaran Bali Regent Prof. I Gede Winasa as the first regent succecded in running free education including free health, free ID card, free insurance, free tax for agriculture, etc.
As we know Jembaran is not rich regency. The Papua Government and East Java Government also have accomplished free education in their province.
To accomplish free education is hard task it need strong commitment to do that because of huge money must be provided.
In 2007 the government only can afford to allocate 11,8% of the total National Budget 725,3 trillion ruphias for education while in 2008 only increase slightly 12% of 781,4 trillion ruphias. Of course it is still too far with that budget, yet the government remains to serve, the childrens ages 7-15 to obtain basic education at least until secondary school. At least 7 programmes of 14 programmes of National Education Department concerning with the basic education can be handled. They are :
1. Provision of BOS (School Operational Assistance) include Book Assistance for the students of elementary and secondary school or equal with total amount 10.827 billion ruphias.
2. Provision of the scholarship for the poor student of elementary and secondary school amount 837,3 billions.
3. Running the Learning Group Education Package (Kejar) for A level equal with elementary school, and B level equal with secondary school with amount 680,3 billion ruphias.
4. Facilities rehabilitation of secondary schools with amount 550. billion ruphias.
5. Building one roof elementary and secondary school, new elementary school, new class rooms of secondary school with amount 1.632,3 billion ruphias.
6. Building new library rooms, laboratories with its equipment amount 2.224,5 billion ruphias.
7. Running the Learning Group Education Package for C level with amount 651,1 billion ruphias.
From the above programmes the government expects it can materialize at 2009 and produce the following action :
1. The provision of BOS and BOS of Books for 35,8 million students of elementary and secondary school.
2. The scholarship for 1,8 million students of elementary and secondary school.
3. Running the alternative education or Learning Group Education Package for A lavel for 656.503 million students.
4. Finishing of 13.978 class rooms.
5. Establishing 1.000 one roofed of elementary and secondary school, new secondary school and 10.000 new class rooms.
6. Establishing 1.100 library room for elementary schools, 10.878 laboratory rooms.
If we observe the above programmes, we can hope more that the compulsory education for ages 7-15 will be achieved after 2009. Unfortunetly, the reality tells us other. The Programmes have yet to be accomplished. Finally the society doesn’t trust the programme once more.
Free or Education for All are only rethoric programme and illusive programme even being a dream for every citizen. Of course it isn’t in line with Law of National Education System chapter 19 article 1 and Law No: 20/2003 stated. The government must allocate 20 % of National Budget for education sector. But if we observe the provision of fund it is not main reason to accomplish free education.
We can see the poor countries like Cambodian, Vietnam and Nigeria can accomplish free education for their citizen.
So, we can say the most important factor to be able to accomplish free eduction is not the provision of huge money or fund but great commitment of the government. Free education means Jihad of Educatioan. Commitment and commitment is something we must have. Wiseman says “If there is a will there is a way” Let’s do our best for our citizen and start now.
Ladies and Gentlemen.
Those are what I can deliver in front of you all, pardon me for my faults. Thank you for your attention. Finally I say you :

Minggu, 01 November 2009

Developing the tourism potency in Jepara

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام علي اشرف الانبياء والمرسلين وعلي اله واصحابه اجمعين امابعد :

Dear Muslim Brothers and all of our friends.
All Praises due to Allah, so we praise Him. We ask for helps, we prayer and submit to Him, Who bestowed all human beings the mercy and blessing.
Sholawat and Salam, may be upon our Propet Muhammad, who has brought the guidance and teaching for saving all human kind from the darkness to the light.
Thanks a lot to the juries and Master of Ceremony for his giving me the time to speak in front of you entitled :

Developing the tourism potency in Jepara
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Jepara is one of the districts in the Central Java Province. It is located at 5°43`20,67” to 6°47`25,83” of latitude line and 110°58`37, 40” of longitudes line. Its western and northern side is next to Java Sea, its eastern side is next to Kudus and Pati district, and its southern side is next to Karimun Jawa island that is in Java sea. The two biggest island are Karimun Jawa and Kemujan island. The most of Karimun Jawa areas are protected in marine reservation.
The areas of Jepara also comprise Karimun Jawa island and Kemujan island located at Javanese Sea. Most of Karimun Jawa areas are National Marine Reservation. Jepara is a district with its high industry we are proud of it. But the government still less paid attention to real potencial sector which is related with industry sector that is tourism sector.
Both sectors connected each other. It means tourism should follow the improvement of industry sector growth.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
There are some tourism sectors have been done by the Jepara government such as :
1. Songgolangit Waterfall located at Kembang Subdistrict.
2. Kartini Beach at Jepara
3. RA Kartini Museum at Jepara tourism.
4. Portuguese Fort at Banyumanis
5. Tirto Samudro Beach and Bandengan Beach
6. Panjang Island
7. Karimun Jawa and it’s lands
8. Balong Beach
9. Mantingan mosque at Mantingan
Ladies and Gentlemen,
If we see the tourism potency owned by Jepara honestly, we realize that all have been in less creativity, slow progress comparing to the development of industry sector especially furniture sector, more over Jepara is an area closing to beach, of course is very potencial for Jepara to become tourism place that attract the interest of domestic tourist as well as the foreign tourist.
It is not easy and needs long time for Jepara to play its role to become the greatly state revenue contributor like Bali. But if we don’t do now when will we start to develop Jepara to become Investation and Tourism Destination in Central Java ?. All of the interesting places must be handled and developed professionally. We do that to give more information for the visitors for those who are interested in the tourism of Jepara. But the development of tourism object is still forcused on the established location such Kartini Beach and Bandengan and Karimun Jawa.
Now from where should the Jepara government start to achieve its vision ?
Ladies and Gentlemen,
The steps of the development of tourism objects that the Jepara government can do to make Jepara as the tourism town as follows :

  1. Creating the icon of tourism object which in the next time become an identity for our tourism industry. We need the icon as high product in promotion programme and tourism campaign. Like Kuta Beach becomes the Icon of Bali community. After appearing of that icon the other tourism objects in Bali become the destination of the tourist such as : Dreamland Beach, Sanur, Jimbaran, Lot land ect. In this case Kartini Beach can be a tourism icon in Jepara, because there are many important tourism services provided by it like the area of concert, cool play ground, harbor, the center of food and sea world and that constructed as the giant turtle. In addition there are many other intertainment facilities it the beautiful beach that R.A Kartini called it as Kleine Scheveningen where R.A Kartini liked to contemplate in it.Sustainable development of Bandengan Beach as tourism object which provides white sandy beach where it can be used as volley beach, surfing in addition and diving swimming in sea.
  2. In addition Bandengan Beach providing modern intertainmnet such as cafe, shopping center and the center of souvenir of Jepara.
  3. Making Karimun Jawa archipelago as an International tourism. Because the Marine Park of Karimun Jawa is very beautiful and wonderful. It’s a very valuable asset of Jepara District. This area has 111.625 acre comprising 27 islands and only five islands have been inhabited. So, that area was decided as National Marine Park by Forestry Minister Decree No. 161/II/1988. A lot of domestic and foreign tourist have been visting this area and increased annually. On 2004 the tourist visited this area reaching 8.000 tourist and on 2007 more than 9.000 tourist visited there.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
One thing that we must develop better than before is National Marine Park of Karimun Jawa because this island is very natural and interesting and very suitable to become “ Marine Tourism “. There are many interesting places we can find out as follow :

  • Beautiful Marine Panorama with its archipelago spread out as far as the eyes see with its clear water within 5 to 7 metres in depht and the tourist still able to see the natural panorama under the sea.
  • Stretched white sand. Stretching at beach area and all islands with very tall coconut trees.
  • Adventuring activaties like, hiking, snorkeling, diving, fishing, ect.
  • Enjoying the beauty of the Marine Park with 242 coloured fish species and 133 acuatic fauna genera.
  • Finding out rare wildlife like : deers, scaly, parpucine, eel, ect.
  • Mountain with its natural and green forest
  • Watching whale, kerapu, lemura, teripang ect
  • If we board on ship we can see the array of the dolphins swimming beside the ship.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
By utilizing and exploring the tourism potency of Jepara professionally, we will be able to provide job oportunities to the people and surely increase the people welfare of Jepara. To achieve that goal we need the true and proper promotion and marketing strategy, the political policy supporting to obtain that goal, sense of belonging of tha stake holders and all of the people have high commitment to preserve, keep and utilize the potency as good as possible. By professional utilization under the guidance of the experts it is not impossible, less than 10 years the Jepara tourism industry will become the best in the Central Java. God willing.
Those are what I can deliver in front of you all, pardon me for my faults. Thank you for your attention. Finally I say you :

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Jepara Brands

Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Dear Muslim Brothers and all of our friends.

All Praises due to Allah, so we praise Him. We ask for helps, we prayer and submit to Him, Who bestowed all human beings the mercy and blessing.

Sholawat and Salam, may be upon our Propet Muhammad, who has brought the guidance and teaching for saving all human kind from the darkness to the light.

Thanks a lot to the juries and Master of Ceremony for his giving me the time to speak in front of you entitled :

Jepara Brands

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In Jepara there are a lot of potencies. For the time being the tourism project has been more concerned and paid attention to by the officials of Jepara District. For its location at the shore of the sea, Jepara has many interesting places to visit such as Kartini Beach, Bandengan Beach, Karimun Jawa Beach and many others. In addition in Jepara there are many tradition held by some of Jepara communities namely Perang Obor (Torch War) in Tegal Sambi village, Pesta Sawalan (Syawal Fiesta) held annually at Kartini’s Beach a week after Idul Fitri Fiesta.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

A part from tourism and culture owned by Jepara we can also see a lot of internationally leveled wonderful handicraft such as :

1. Jepara Furniture Industry. We can find it everywhere. Jepara Furniture Industry and Jepara Carving become Jepara Brand and the back bone of Jepara economy. Home industry based furniture industry and carving can be developed as tourism industry as well as being shopping centre. A long 1999 – 2000 the furniture industry had been booming. At that time the export value reached US 169.251.410. The furniture employers reached 3.965 unit. By the total of investment value reached 124.6 billion ruphias and the marketing to more than 64 countries. The industry can recruit more than 58.210 work forces and attracted many foreign investors investing in this industry.

2. Sculpture handicraft and carving. We can find it at Mulyoharjo village. In this village more than 90 employers can be found.

3. Relief handicraft. The relief centre can be found in Senenan village. This handicraft become interesting for the foreign investors.

4. Furniture and Rattan handicraft found in Teluk and Sidi village. There are more than 346 home industry run by more than 2000 employers. Production value reach 2 billion per year.

5. Tenun Ikat Handicraft of Troso at Troso Pecangaan Jepara. Tenun Ikat Handicraft of Troso becomes Jepara trade mark and its brand. Although the time being the marketing centered in Bali, but some of them exported directing to the foreign. To help marketing and preserve Tenun Troso identity, the Jepara District issued the policy for wearing the uniform of the Tenun Ikat of Troso for civil servants in Jepara. The policy has been taken by the purpose of preserving it. Tenun Troso with its potency can be developed as middle and small industry in Jepara. The industry involve 191 unit and absorb more than 1.800 employees. Every year the production volume reached 3.1 million metres. Its production values reaching 545 billion ruphias.

6. Monel Handicraft centered at Kriyan Kalinyamatan Jepara. This handicraft promoted Jepara internationally through Indonesia pilgrims wearing wrist lace made of monel because the Indonesian pilgrims usually wearing wrist lace made of Jepara.

7. Gerabah Handicraft centered at Mayong.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Observing the potency of handicraft industry owned by Jepara, we should be proud of them and striving to preserve them. So the Jepara Government takes strategic steps to enhance, develop and preserve them as follow :

1. To make the centre of cluster of every potency of industry owned by Jepara. For the sake of that purpose there is a Cluster of Sculpture at Mulyoharjo village. The Relief in Senenan village. Tenun Ikat at Troso village. Monel at Robayan village. Rattan and Bamboo at Teluk as well as Gerabah at Mayong. This step is really very effective in order to look after and market the product for the employers. This means the quality becomes better and the visitors increase from time to time.

2. To promote and socialize to outer society either regionally, nationally or internationally by advertising the handicraft and products in the mass media and holding exhibition, opening the showrooms at the strategic places or making website in the internet.

3. To bulid Jepara Trade and Tourism Center as the center of the trade, promotion, design, information and advocation. Up to now several designs have beens created through nationally furniture design competition.

4. To pattern several handicraft industry product produced by Jepara, such as Jepara Furniture, Blenyik and Electrical Nut.

5. To force the Jepara civil servants wearing blue coloured Tenun Ikat Troso shirt on Saturday and free colour in Thursday. This step is really able to increase the selling rate of Tenun Ikat of Troso.

6. To utilize the internet to develop the marketing, even open international acces. The efforts made by developing the hotspot area net in 14 subdistricts.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

All the effort above run successfully. The proof of the success is the Upakarti Award received by The Jepara Regent Hendro Martojo from the Presidentt of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono categorized Carving service on 7 Januari 2009 at the State Palace Jakarta.

The award is given for those who work to develop middle and small industry. In addition the award is also given for those who pioneer the development of the useful technological industry and finding out innovative design product. This is special achievement of Jepara in order to develop the industry of Jepara society.

But, one thing that Jepara government must pay attention to is how to develop the young people interest to love Jepara handicraft poduct. This is very important to preserve the existence of Jepara industry n the future time.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Those are what I can deliver in front of you all, pardon me for my faults. Thank you for your attention. Finally I say you :

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.